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Casablanca Expert Online Store

Here you'll find training/tutorial DVDs and other resources to help you maximize your video project work.

ChetDavisIn each of these products you will enjoy learning with the deep Casablanca knowledge and the expert teaching skills of Chet Davis.

Note: members -- remember to log-in first then you will see your prices automatically reflect your 20% Members Only discount (strike-out text is the regular price).


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Product Categories

Casablanca Foolproof Detailed tutorials on DVD by the Casablanca Expert to help you learn specific Casablanca software & operations 3 products
Casablanca Webinar Packets Learning Packets developed from the popular Casablanca Webinars - contains DVD lesson, practice footage on DVD and printed lesson. 8 products
Live Training & Instruction Casablanca Expert Workshops & Private Tutor Service 1 product
Pay Per View Webinars Casablanca Expert Webinars via Pay Per View for non-Members 10 products

All Products

Viewing 21 - 30 of 31 products View All  Previous  1  2  3   4  Next

DVD Arabesk 4 Intensive

Chet Davis guides through an intenstive training of the capabilities provided by the Casablanca DVD authoring software Arabesk 4.

Understanding the Media Manager

Chet Davis takes you through the intricacies of the new Casablanca Media Manager.

Photo Studio Intensive

Chet Davis provides an intensive tutorial on the features of the Casablanca Photo Studio software

Columbus Intensive: Animating Travel Maps

Chet Davis provides an intensive tutorial on the Casablanca Columbus - map & travel animation software.

Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 1

* Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 1
Range Operator & Video Inserts, Creating Layered Effects with Scene Operrator, Importing True Type Fonts into Casablanca Title menu.

Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 2

* Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 2
* Candy Factory Titles
* Custom Title Screen
* Full-motion video cube

Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 3

* Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 3: Using the Pattern generator in the Casablanca Image Pool, Why and how to use the DVD Trailer+Menu function in Arabesk, Creating Split-Screen effects using both the Split Screen & Split Screen 2 Transition effects.

Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 5

Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 5
* Creating a simple photo montage - using PowerKey and the new Auto-Transitions Options
* Using the Clipboard to move scenes and audio samples between projects - highlighting the new functions in Smart Edit 8/Bogart 2
* Using Disk Transfer to archive/move your finished scenes and projects

Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 7

Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 7
* Editing to the Beat
* Using the Templates for Chapter and Main Menu creation in Arabesk 4

Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 8

Casablanca Webinar Lesson - Episode 8
* Using BlueBox World to separate/remove chroma (colors) from a scene
* The difference between J-cuts and L-cuts and how to use them in your productions
