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What are the functions / features available when I connect an external HDD to my Casablanca?

There are an increasing number of functions or features available when you connect an external HDD (Hard Disk Drive or Hard Drive) to your Casablanca.

Here are these options and the articles/tutorials to help you use them successfully:

Smart Edit and Bogart OS

Importing Text into Titler Menu - Tutorial

Importing Fonts (True Type Fonts - .ttf) into the Titler Menu - Tutorial

System Archives (custom colors, titles, DVD menus) - Tutorial

Storyboard Archives - Streaming Video Tutorial

Storyboard Archives - Capabilities & Limitations

Bogart OS only

Bogart Back-up (HD Mirror Archive) - Tutorial

Bogart Back-up (HD Mirror Archive) - Streaming Video Recording (Webinar)

Importing Photos Using Media Manager - Streaming Video Recording (Webinar)

Importing Video From External HDD Using Media Manger -

Exporting Files onto External HDD - Tutorial

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis