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How Valuable Is Chet's Hands-on Casablanca Workshop?

The following are direct quotes from participants in one of
Chet Davis' Hands-on Casablanca Workshop. 

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I just returned home after attending a two day hands-on workshop presented by Da' Man ( Chet Davis ) of 'Casablanca Expert' fame. I cannot describe aptly enough the insights gained about my Casablanca editor and I highly recommend the Workshops when and where they're presented throughout the country and overseas as well. Try as hard as you can not to miss this opportunity if one of these Workshops is presented nearby. You won't regret spending two wonderful days with our Guru of all things Casablanca and will come away with a better undestanding of the potential of our respective operating systems.
John Googins-Spare Bedroom Video
Mount Shasta, CA

I also attended this full two day workshop.  The  tips, shortcuts, techniques and applications I picked up the last two days will  allow me to use my  Cassie editors (3) better, faster and more  productively.  As John mentioned, Chet Davis is one of a kind.  He is  a wealth of knowledge and information,  not only about the Cassie editors,  but other software applications that we can interface with to display our  finished videos.  Chet is a wonderful teacher and really makes attending  the workshop a positive experience for everyone.  He is very  passionate about our operating systems and it comes across in the workshop and  the Cassie Expert webinars.  If you want to learn how to get the fullest  out of your Cassie unit I highly recommend attending his workshops when he  comes to your area.  In the meantime, do yourself a favor and  become a member of the Cassie Expert.  Chet is there for you with loads of  tutorials, monthly webinars and if you email him with a question, he'll  respond to you with the answer or suggested articles within Cassie Expert.
Jeff Levich-JBL Video Productions
Woodland, CA

"After using a cassie for all these years I'm still amazed at how much it is capable of doing.  Chet really does a good job of showing the full capabilities of much of the software and I recommend the workshop to anyone who is tired of doing the same old graphics, titleing and effects and wants to add some pizzazz to their work.  You don't need new software, what you need you probably already have and Chet surely can show you how to get the most from it.  A very informative and enjoyable two days with Chet."  
Sal Mecca - Vid-Sure Video Productions

"Some of the lessons I thought I already knew ... HA!... he certainly showed me how much more I can do.  And not only is it a good time to meet new friends and be a part of a friendly network, Chet makes learning FUN.  To anyone on the fence of attending one of these workshops I say, "Just go for it"!  You won't be sorry."
Beth Klinger - Ultima Photography & Video
Rhode Island

"I could not have said it better. I feel like I bought a new machine with spending a dime. THANK YOU CHET!"
Marc Friedman - M & M Video Productions
New Jersey

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I am fortunate enough to travel all over this fine country of ours attending video conferences, workshops, training sessions, and just visiting some of you. I consider myself a Casablanca Power User with a Prestige, Solitaire, and now one of the new S series editors.... However, the additional things I learned from this extraordinary, talented Casablanca Expert - Chet Davis can not easily be put into words.

Chet's talent as a PROFESSIONAL TEACHER AND INSTRUCTOR, his ability to deliver the message to such a diverse and varied class of editors, in such a way that professionals are not bored or amateurs are not overwhelmed is incredible. He is A Total Professional in everything he does.

If the opportunity arises and you are fortunate enough to attend one of Chets' workshops, ....DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO BE THERE...YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. I MORE THAN RECEIVED MY MONIES WORTH. Keep it up Chet.

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Learning by doing is one of the innate ways that students have been retaining information for years.  To be able to only listen, write, and see how a new concept works and then hours later attempt to follow the exact same procedure is usually not very successful, but can be very stressful.  There is no substitute for hands-on direct teacher- to- student learning.  

Thanks for providing this type of session where we can learn and feel confident that we have gained the knowledge we were seeking.  This type of training allows each individual to take ownership for his or her learning. I sincerely believe you are an excellent teacher with an unbelievable mastery of your subject.
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I learned a tremendous amount. Anyone that doesn't take this course has no business complaining about how difficult the system is to understand or operate. There were so many features on the new Operating System that I couldn't figure out how to use them. So many short cuts you showed, that help me to improve and speed up the editing process. I learned a LOT more than I anticipated.  If you don't take this class you are just cheating yourself.

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All of the topics covered were very helpful; there was something valuable in almost every one. I found myself paying close attention to every detail because everything you told us was of such value.

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I was already very familiar with the audio section, but even as familiar with that as I was I still learned a few new tricks.  So even if you are familiar with a subject, you were able to teach me more about it anyway.  GREAT JOB!

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Chet is an extremely knowledgeable and insightful instructor with a passion for teaching.  He brings humor into the classroom, which aids the learning process.  He is usually kind enough to go over a subject a couple of times in different ways to help the student see the point.

Chet knows the Casablanca line like the back of his hand, and more importantly, he can explain nearly everything there is to know about Cassies.  Chet is the best thing that ever happened to Macrosystem.

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It is much easier to learn while doing it than just hearing about it, so I really liked the hands-on nature of this workshop.  I do not think anyone has as much knowledge on the Casablanca system as Chet does -- even though I make my living on the machine I do not use it to the fullest capacity that I could, but being in your workshop gives me the opportunity to put Casablanca more to work for me! Even if you think you know something well you will always get something new out of it.

Being a teacher for 17 years Chet can get his thoughts over very well with some humor in it which makes it fun as well as informative for us in the class. 

Also, I liked having the video clips provided us via Disk Transfer.  Not only did we have the same practice material in class as you and the other participants in the workshop, now I can re-do the exercises at home in my own editing studio since you let us keep the disks.

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I was VERY impressed with the in depth knowledge of the system and software programs that Chet demonstrated in the hands-on workshop.  Chet is very comfortable in front of the classroom.  Chet has the ability to help those who might be struggling (due to lack of knowledge on a particular subject) to bring them up to speed in a very short amount of time while still providing the rest of his class the ability to follow along with his lessons. 

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I REALLY enjoyed your class. YOU make the class enjoyable and fun and you are so easy-going and an AMAZING teacher.

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You too can benefit from the expert teaching and deep Casablanca knowledge of
Chet Davis -- click here to check out the schedule of upcoming
Casablanca Hands-on Workshops, and to complete your online registration.