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12 Tips for Christmas 2012-13 #11

Casablanca Expert Chet Davis will provide 12 short video-tutorials to help you get the most from your Casablanca video editor. 

"These twelve short tutorials are my holiday gift to my friends and colleagues in the Casablanca community."


Tip #11

Casablanca Expert Chet Davis presents a cool combination of Casablanca software to create a 'key-hole' title effect.
Using a video montage - actually two different versions of a video montage, along with a scrolling horizontal title effect and BlueBox World. This effect is possible on both Smart Edit & Bogart editors - but does require the use of the add-on software 'Blue Box World'.  Chet does show how to complete the effect using the standard BlueBox but also indicates how that is a limited impact version.


Video length 12:23

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis