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Video Tutorial: Using Audio Clipboard To Move Samples Between Projects

The following can be performed on both Casablanca platforms - Smart Edit and Bogart OS.  Many colleagues are very familiar with the 'regular' Clipboard which you'll find under the Special button in the Edit Menu screen - this lesson details the Clipboard found under the Audio Record, Edit menu screen.

Length 8:29


Here is a breakdown of the six menu options found under the Audio Clipboard:

'add actual sample' - left cliAudioclipboardck to add the highlighted (selected) audio sample from your audio sample bin/list into the Clipboard

'add other sample' - left click and it will open the audio sample bin/list for this project so you can highlight the audio sample you want and left click ok to copy that audio sample into the Clipboard

'add sample from different project' - left click and the Project Select list will open - allowing you to choose one of the 29 other projects on the hard drive.  Once you left click ok on that other project, it will display the audio sample bin/list for that other project so you can highlight the audio sample you want and left click ok to copy that audio sample into the Clipboard.

'remove sample(s)' - first you must left click to add check-mark to any audio sample/s in the clipboard, then left click on this button and it will remove that audio sample from the Clipboard.  NOTE: it does not remove the audio sample from your hard drive, or any project you have copied it into -- only removes the audio sample from the clipboard.

'import sample(s)' - first you must left click to add check-mark to any audio sample/s in the clipboard, then left click on this button and it will import (copy) those audio sample/s into the present project.  These audio samples will show in the Audio recording, Edit menu screen in the audio samples list.

Options - as demonstrated in the above video, a left click on this button opens up the one and only audio clipboard option which is to enable or disable the ability to copy/import the full audio sample:

With the check mark absent (-T shows in the Clipboard menu) you will only import/copy the current audio sample length.

With the check mark present (+T shows in the clipboard menu) you will import/copy the currently trimmed audio sample but will also be able to un-trim the audio sample to obtain it's original length.

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis