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What are Color TV Standards? What is NTSC or PAL?

There are three main analog television standards in use around the world, PAL (Phase Alternating Line), NTSC (National Television System Committee) and SECAM (Séquentiel Couleur à Mémoire—Sequential Color with Memory).

The system used in North America is NTSC. Western Europe, Australia, and Eastern South America use PAL. Eastern Europe used SECAM, but switched to PAL after the change of the political regimes there. France still uses SECAM. Generally, a device (such as a television) can only read or display video encoded to a standard which the device is designed to support; otherwise, the source must be converted (such as when European programs are broadcast in North America or vice versa).

Preceding Info courtesty of Wikipedia:


This is pertinent information as the video camera you work with, the TV monitor you use and the Casablanca video editor you edit with all correspond to the Color TV Standard in your country/region.  You _can_ purchase a version of the Operating System for a different standard (PAL or NTSC) from your Casablanca distributor if you wished to produce video for a different standard (or you could take your finished proudct to a service that provides a Standards Conversion service if you needed that)



The following chart is available on the website, along with a great list of countries and the specific TV Color Standard used in that country.

TV Color Standards

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis