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Backup / Restore Archives

The “Backup/Restore Archives” function allows you to store saved data archives (colors, title texts, audio-effect combinations) to a separate medium and later restore back into the system . This way, you can access your archives data after a full re-installation (also known as clean or destructive installation) of the Operating System.  This function was introduced in Smart Edit 6 and is available in all subsequent SE upgrades as well as all Bogart OS versions

SAVING (Back-up)

1. Go to the System Settings Screen
2. Click onto the “Backup/Restore Archives” button and a window will appear – this allows you to choose between “Backup” and “Restore” .
3. Press the “Backup” button
4. Select the target medium of your choosing (either CD/DVD, an external Firewire hard-drive or a USB stick.  NOTE If you are using either Firewire HDD or USB Stick insert/connect them prior to launching this window for them to be recognized)
5. press “Ok” and you will be asked to enter a name for the file you are saving - (I use Chet's Archives June 2008, for example). Additionally, here you will see all previously saved files . Confirm with “Ok”and the file should provide you with a progress bar indicating that is it being archived.
6. When you have a successful process you will see an on-screen prompt 'Backup Successful


1. Go to the System Settings Screen
2. Click onto the “Backup/Restore Archives” button and a window will appear – this allows you to choose between “Backup” and “Restore” .
3. Press the “Restore” button
4. Select the target medium of your choosing (either CD/DVD, an external Firewire hard-drive or a USB stick.  NOTE If you are using either Firewire HDD or USB Stick insert/connect them prior to launching this window for them to be recognized)
5. IMPORTANT: Before going any further in the Restore process - I recommend un-checking the box 'overwrite existing files'  If this remains checked you will load the archived settings while erasing any archived settings currently on your active hard drive.  With the box un-checked you will add to your existing archived settings.
5. press “Ok” and a new menu will appear '  Please choose name' listing all Archived Files on that source.  Select your desired flie and click 'Ok'.
6. When you have a successful process you will see an on-screen prompt 'Restore Successful

Tips & Tutorials by the Casablanca Expert, Chet Davis